the three of us waiting for new years eve
this is the festive season for a reason
….. mein fussabdruck für 2017
eigentlich sollte es ein Po-Abdruck werden, vielleicht bekomme ich das später nochmal gut hin, aber der Fussabdruck war soo viel schöner !
.. I had no motivation to do my hair but the very good red wine was comfort enough , I wanted to look pretty for you when shooting this in the library they had there. Needless to say the wine was better than the conversation, I had feared it would be cold and the old walls would be moist and smelly and the floor would be icy. But they had a cosy warmth everywhere, dry and comfortable. Mrs. DeFries was all friendly and good company and hugged me and Marie and Fee and a guest very much burst in flames seeing Fee and couldn’t pull his eyes off her. Well deserved I must say, Fee was so beautiful I felt rather like a wallflower at her side. I love you!